2024 Numerology

8 means infinity.

2024 Numerology

We are entering an 8-year which represents success, leadership, and money. The number 8 represents the infinity symbol, which asks us to complete karma instead of constantly repeating cycles by its continuous loops that represent eternity and the final point before our goals become a reality.

As we look towards 2024 we are often filled with optimism about a new year and a fresh start, looking forward to how the year will unfold for us.

It can be exciting, the fresh new journal you are about to write in for the first time, or the first sip of morning coffee pondering what the day will bring.

If we turn to numerology or Universal Year Number for guidance and a fresh perspective on what to expect for 2024. We have to break down the numbers individually.

2+0+2+4 = 8

This means we are entering an 8-year which represents success, leadership, and money - a lotta peeps will be moving into self-employment, truth-seeking, freedom, expansion, karmic lessons, awakening our inner power, taking responsibility for our actions, and putting in the work.

We are leaving behind 2023 which has been a 7-year (2+0+2+3 =7), meaning it has been a year of lessons, hermit vibes, inner work, learning and growing, self-discovery, and building foundations not necessarily seeing the results we were hoping for. It has been a slower movement that has shown us we are stronger and more resilient than we realised or give ourselves credit for.

We have grown and learnt invaluable lessons that are pre-pairing us to step up into our power, stop hiding in other people's shadows and show the world what we are made of and what we are capable of. To finally start creating that life we have been dreaming of!

This does not mean this year will be completely smooth sailing, remember it’s within our inner strength, just like in the Tarot, the Major Arcana is ruled by the number 8 represents “Strength”. This can be taken as our inner strength, nurturing ourselves, learning and practising self-soothing and self-care techniques to help us with our busy selves and perhaps if and when things don’t go as planned, helping and nurturing ourselves to work through these feelings. We are allowed to feel disappointment, anger, frustration, and even wanting to give up. BUT give yourself some grace and time to dust yourself off and pick yourself up. You are capable of great things, remember Rome wasn’t built in a day!

8 in Ancient Wisdom

Again if we look at the Rider-Waite Tarot and the first card in the Major Arcana, we have the “Magician” he is depicted pointing one hand above, one hand below (as above, so below) with an infinity symbol above his head.

We see and feel a sense of new beginnings, of magic that happens when we merge our Spiritual self with our grounded earthly self. A sense of personal power can emerge, a sense of magic within if we have the courage and willingness to do so, working with our inner strength and willpower we have all that we need right inside of us!

In many beliefs and cultures, the number 8 represents the infinity symbol, which asks us to complete karma instead of constantly repeating cycles by its continuous loops that represent eternity and the final point before our goals become a reality.

In ancient Chinese cosmology, 8 represents the totality of the universe. In ancient Egyptian culture, 8 was the number of balance and cosmic order.

So ask yourself this year, what mindset do I need to change? What continuous loop do I continue replaying over, and over? Is it true or is time to say goodbye to these limiting thoughts/beliefs?

Remember words hold vibrations and power, to think about them like this helps to put things into perspective of how we talk to each other, but importantly how we talk to ourselves. In our relationship with ourselves, we want to be kind to ourselves and to do this we need to speak more kindly and compassionate to ourselves.

We also find ourselves entering the year of the dragon with the Chinese Lunar New Year which represents authority, prosperity, and good fortune…it’s believed to be a very auspicious year.

So this year have faith and start being the main character of our lives and truly living the life we want!

Many blessings to you,

xx Assunta

Assunta French is a Reiki healer, sound healer, and astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on World of Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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