Aries Super Full Moon

Ignite the fire within

Aries Super Full Moon

The Aries Full Moon is one of the most magical of the year.

This full moon holds strong creative energy, allowing us to connect back to the seeds we planted back in March/ April with the Spring Equinox and Solar Eclipse. The seeds of energy planted at that time are now ready to come into bloom and into a deeper awareness.

She will peak on the 29th of September at 10:57 am in the UK. This Full Moon of the year is often referred to as Full Corn Moon because this is when crops are gathered at the end of the Summer season. At this time, the Moon appears particularly bright and rises early, letting farmers continue harvesting into the night. This Moon is also sometimes named the barley moon and is often the nearest Full Moon to the Autumnal Equinox, earning the title of 'Harvest Moon'.

In the light of the full Moon, when she is shining brightly and fully we are gifted this opportunity to look further within allowing us to release what is no longer serving us.

Full Moons occur during an opposition of the Sun and the Moon with the Earth sitting in between these two celestial bodies. This opposition and polarising energies can intensify our energetic levels but also heighten our intuition which can feel overwhelming.

As we work with the Full Moon, we have added layers that involve tapping into the current zodiac sign that it is embodying and allowing us to work with the archetypes of that zodiac to help us release. We may notice we feel uplifted, empowered, or perhaps overwhelmed with certain aspects and this is because of our birth charts. Where that zodiac sign is placed on our charts, and which house it sits in will be amplified with the Full Moon of that month for example if you are an Aries Sun and the Full Moon is in Libra (remember there is an opposing sign and this is in six month periods) you may feel more balanced and wanting to keep the peace rather than firing off. You can think of this as a journey through your houses touching on each aspect of your life, creating shifts and enhancing our vibrations for our good that may not feel like it at the time.

This full moon is all about reclaiming your power

This lunation is extra special because it’s the first one since the North and South nodes moved into Aries and Libra. While it’s not quite eclipse season yet, think of this Full Moon as a sneak peek of what’s to come.

This Full Moon will help you reclaim your power if you have found yourself waning a little with your boundaries by helping you set or reaffirm them, find harmony in your relationships, and stop allowing others to dictate your expectations.

Remember the Moon represents our emotions, our inner worlds—and when she’s full, it serves as a spotlight on our emotional world, revealing hidden truths and feelings and helping us to release what is no longer serving us. It’s a time to say thank you and let go.

This Full Moon, in particular, thank you to the element of Libra, is holding some lessons about imbalances in our relationships and creative expressions. Are you sometimes sacrificing your individuality just to keep the peace and please others? Are you perhaps spending too much time on distractions rather than working on your creativity? Are you turning a blind eye to a situation to not rock the boat? Remember what is meant for you will never pass you by.

The energies under Aries can be fiery and headstrong

With this say hello to the energy of Aries and perhaps brace for impact as a touch of impulsiveness and tension in your relationships may surface. Focus on building restraint when it comes to your actions and impulses…if need be take a beat and come back to the conversation when you have simmered down a little.

The energies under an Aries Full Moon can be fiery and headstrong, encouraging us to be bold and daring in our approach. We can feel a boost of confidence, and we may be willing to take greater risks to get the outcome we want…love that fire energy.

Keeping in tune with this Aries energy if you are finding yourself a little triggered during this Full Moon I would invite you to dig a little deeper and see what’s causing this and perhaps you just need to blow off some steam. Perhaps looking for a healthy way to express how you are feeling, moving your body, perhaps a soothing bath, screaming into a pillow…find what works for you. Just make sure you are releasing and not holding it all in.

If you are finding yourself a little triggered during this Full Moon, make sure you are releasing and not holding it all in.

The key to remember is that our emotions will be heightened under this Full Moon as it leads us closer to Eclipse Season. Eclipses are usually highly transformative and tend to bring changes into our lives. These changes can be external ones, but more private, internal ones too…can’t you just feel the changes in the wind?

Aries rules over the Eclipse cycle energies in 2024

Aries is going to rule over the Eclipse cycle energies in 2024, so this is our last regular Aries Full Moon until 2025. The next Aries lunar cycles are all going to be Eclipses.

As a side note Chiron our wounded healer asteroid is active under this Full Moon, remember Chiron guides us to find the power in our wounds, rather than the sorrow. While sorrow and grief are often connected to our wounds, Chiron teaches us that new strength and wisdom can rise from them. Learning to embrace our wounds and not push them down, but rather own them is our superpower and helps create our new reality. Allowing us to be more courageous, and strong and stop the feeling sorry for ourselves act.

Remember to stay grounded and connect back to your breath whenever you need to, following your breath in and out and paying attention to the body and how it responds to calming and relaxing down the nerves.

To honour this Aries Full Moon a few helpful ideas and see what resonates with you…

● Charge your crystals outside or on the window seal with the intention

● Create Moon water on the window seal or outside (just make sure it’s covered)

● Meditate and journal about what is coming up for you to be released

● Set intentions on what you wish to release by writing them down and calling in your Spirit team to support you burn in a flame and give back to Gaia

● Reflect on how far you have come over the past six months (when the New Moon was in Aries)

● Practice gratitude

● A nice soothing and comforting bath with your favourite essential oils and salts

● Connect to your creative side and Spiritual side - have fun with this and be open

Begin tracking the themes coming up for you during this time as it may hold clues for the Aries Eclipse season.

Sending you many Full Moon blessings, love, and gratitude,

xx Assunta

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