Cancer Full Moon

The Last Full Moon Of The Year

Cancer Full Moon

Dear beautiful reader,

Today December 26th, we will experience our last Full Moon of the year in Cancer right in the middle of Yule and after the Winter Solstice.

In the light of the full Moon, when she is shining brightly and fully we are gifted this opportunity to look further within allowing us to release what is no longer serving us.

Full Moons occur during an opposition of the Sun and the Moon with the Earth sitting in between these two celestial bodies. This opposition and polarising energies can intensify our energetic levels but also heighten our intuition which can feel overwhelming.

The Moon is Crying For You

As we work with the Full Moon, we have added layers that involve tapping into the current zodiac sign that it is embodying and allowing us to work with the archetypes of that zodiac to help us release. We may notice we feel uplifted, empowered, or perhaps overwhelmed with certain aspects and this is because of our birth charts. Where that zodiac sign is placed on our charts, and which house it sits in will be amplified with the Full Moon of that month for example if you are an Aries Sun and the Full Moon is in Libra (remember there it’s an opposing sign and this is in six month periods) you may feel more balanced and wanting to keep the peace rather than firing off. You can think of this as a journey through your houses touching on each aspect of your life, creating shifts and enhancing our vibrations for our good that may not feel like it at the time.

The Full Moon or commonly known as the Cold Moon dating back to when the cold weather would truly grip us and we feel the full effects of winter. Still to this day we enter the coldest months of a year, and nights are darkest.

The Moon in Cancer is Home

The Moon in Cancer is where she feels at home as she is governed and ruled by the Moon! Cancer being a water sign, a cardinal sign and we are in Mercury Retrograde means that we are not in fast forward action but more introspective. We are thinking of what we have learnt this year, how we have grown, what we can let go of that are no longer needed to be brought into 2024.

This is also your sign and initiation to focus and perhaps regroup on what you have been striving for this year and perhaps what you need to re tweak, realign, move direction for the path that is opening up for you. This is inviting you to use your intuition, and skills you have learnt to truly let go of what is no longer serving you.

With these long and darker nights you can use this time to explore the shadows, the places within that often remain unexamined. Although the landscape under the Cold Moon seems dim imagine the magic that is happening beneath the frozen realm. Animals are hibernating in their dens. Seeds and bulbs are shoring up their reserves, inhabiting the mystery of the seeming stillness that will burst forth when spring returns.

The time of the Cold Moon is a time of deep rest, it is a time to attend to the rituals of renewal and to practices of peace. Bring this into daily life in ways both big and small.

Remember to also be gentle on yourself as loneliness can creep which can be difficult. Thus the importance of creating an atmosphere for rest and calm can invite an appreciative and grateful approach to time spent alone. Attend to yourself and your need for rest as you would to a small child, perhaps inner child work could be nice here and allow yourself to nap or choose a book of you’ve been wanting to read!

There is a constant desire to stay up-to-date on what is happening in the world, especially right now, but the constant stream of information is overwhelming. This is overloading our systems and we are unable to switch off. We are entering a potent time to seek renewal, which often begins with turning off the constant stream of social media, news we consume and watch, and becoming deeply intentional about what we include in our day. With less outside input, we can begin to tune in to what our bodies truly needs. The ways that we move, eat, drink, think, and reflect are basic but powerful places to examine how you are nourishing yourself on every level. Ask yourself, “What do I truly need?” and let yourself be still enough to hear the answer.

This Is The Time To Look Into Your Shadow

As the Cold Moon shines bright in the sky, look within to discover your shadow side, the places within you that remain hidden from view. There may be fears, grief, or despair simmering beneath the surface of your awareness. The light of this moon can help you gently explore those places with compassion. You may want to seek out a friend or therapist to excavate deeper levels of trauma that may be living in your shadowy realm. By bringing these parts of yourself into the light, you release the shame and pain of them. It may feel scary, but trust that you are not alone, and reach out for help to remind yourself of that truth.

Let the Cold Moon bring you back to yourself, to a place of rest and discovery. The wisdom that is unearthed in this stillness will be the fertile soil that will allow you to grow into the next season.

Remember to stay grounded and connect back to your breath whenever you need to, following your breath in and out and paying attention to the body and how it responds to calming and relaxing down the nerves.

To honour this Cancer Full Moon a few helpful ideas and see what resonates with you…

● Charge your crystals outside or on the window seal with the intention

● Create Moon water on the window seal or outside (just make sure it’s covered)

● Meditate and journal about what is coming up for you to be released

● Set intentions on what you wish to release by writing them down and calling in your Spirit team

to support you burn in a flame and give back to Gaia

● Reflect on how far you have come over the year

● Practice gratitude

● A nice soothing and comforting bath with your favourite essential oils and salts

● Connect to your creative side and Spiritual side - have fun with this and be open

Sending you many Full Moon blessings,

xx Assunta

Assunta French is a Reiki healer, sound healer, and astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on World of Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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