
We attract people and situations into our life for a reason. The world is our reflection, and we are all mirrors of each other, shining a light on where we need to grow. When we can forgive and forget, that is true empowerment - true transcendence.

Forgiveness is light.

Every Monday, WE Explore different realms of consciousness to facilitate your self-discovery & growth.

If you’re a sensitive person wondering how to get passed all the hurt and violence in the world, here is a proverb that might help.   

We must forgive each other our sins.   

Personally, I don't like the word sin - it reminds me of hellfire and brimstone, I prefer to use the word ignorance, so let’s rephrase:  

We must forgive each other our ignorance.     

Forgiveness can be a real humdinger of a process, especially if you’ve been really hurt by someone, and it’s a three step process.  

   1.     We need to recognise that forgiveness is not something you give to the other person, it's a gift that you give to yourself. From a karmic perspective, it’s essential if you are to set yourself free, otherwise you will keep attracting the same situations which trigger the same emotional responses until you evolve past it.   

2.     Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning what was done, it just means letting go of the anger and hurt you feel towards that person or situation. It means finding the inner strength to move beyond the pain, the blaming and shaming. It means finding compassion in your heart, knowing that the person who hurt you is hurt themselves. Only hurt people hurt others, so when you can put yourself in the other persons shoes and see the antecedents that caused them to lash out in the way that they did, you can find the path to compassion, which is the key that unlocks forgiveness. This is what heals body, mind and soul, freeing you up to find the lessons within the heartache, the treasure in the challenge.  

3.     Forgiving does not necessarily mean forgetting, it means remembering without anger, which is what really heals. However, when the lessons are learned and treasure is found from the trauma, there is not only a huge raising of consciousness, but a deep abiding peace felt within the heart. At this point, you CAN choose not only to forgive, but to forget, but you have to get to the point where you realise that life was giving you the exact experience you needed for the evolution of your soul at that moment.   

This is a hard one - most people don't get that far - but the ultimate transcendence is if you can see that the situation or person who wronged you as a vehicle the universe chose to give you a growth point, a trigger that made you aware of your own vulnerabilities so that you could empower yourself to transcend them.  

We attract people and situations into our life for a reason. The world is our reflection, and we are all mirrors of each other, shining a light on where we need to grow. When we can forgive and forget, that is true empowerment - true transcendence. Forgiveness is nothing short of a journey towards unconditional love, which heals the world.    

 About Andrea Revell

Andrea is a visionary thought leader, philosopher and author on all things mind body spirit. Previously an academic at universities in the UK and Asia, she has lived and travelled all over the world researching and teaching on sustainability and spirituality, encouraging systemic solutions to our planetary health problems. Using integrative medicine to successfully resolve an autoimmune condition she had for many years, Andrea trained in various alternative healing modalities and is now an internationally certified spiritual life coach, unlocking people’s potential with the power of meditation, breathwork and ancient Egyptian numerology. She has a PhD in environmental ethics and is a lover of philosophy, particularly Eastern philosophy, inspired by her years of living in India and Japan. Andrea has a regular yoga and meditation practice and loves to explore all things metaphysical. Having grown up in New Zealand and South Africa, she now lives in the UK with her husband and two children.

You can connect with her on World of EnlightenTiktok, Instagram or her Website. 

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