Gemini Full Moon

The Evil Not So Evil Twins

Gemini Full Moon

Welcome to our blessed Gemini Full Moon where she “peaks” at 9:16 am on Monday 26th of November in the UK however, the energy of the Full Moon begins before and a few days after so there is no “right time” to honour her. Feel into when honouring the Full Moon is right for you.

Beaver Full Moon

This Full Moon of the Year is often referred to as Beaver Full Moon as it’s the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having gathered enough food to last through the winter.

This name has its origins in the traditions and practices of some Native American tribes and was later adopted by European colonists. The Beaver Moon is linked to the time of year when Ancient Indians were also said to lay traps out to catch the Beavers before the water would freeze over and use their fur for warmth. If we also look at Pagan traditions a November Full Moon was called a ‘mourning moon’ – as it is a time to let go of past troubles or grief and look forward to a new season and soon, a new year.

In the light of the Full Moon, when she is shining brightly and fully we are gifted this opportunity to look further within allowing us to release what is no longer serving us.

Full Moons occur during an opposition of the Sun and the Moon with the Earth sitting in between these two celestial bodies. This opposition and polarising energies can intensify our energetic levels but also heighten our intuition which can feel overwhelming.

As we work with the Full Moon, we have added layers that involve tapping into the current zodiac sign that it is embodying and allowing us to work with the archetypes of that zodiac to help us release. For example, this Full Moon is taking place in Sagittarius season which is all about expansion, growth, seeking the truth in life and expanding your horizons. Yet our Full Moon is in Gemini ​​reminding us to stay flexible and stay open to different perspectives, perceptions, and ways of seeing the world.

Gemini Full Moon in Sagittarius Season

Gemini is represented by the Twins, where one twin is mortal and the other is immortal, representing our foot on the earthly plane and connection to the spiritual realms. Signifying the duality that lives within all of us that we are of the human body having a spiritual experience.

This duality symbolised by the Twins is something we can connect to and honour under this Full Moon. How can we appreciate our human selves but then also honour our soul and the wisdom it has to offer? As Gemini is ruled by the planet of communication - Mercury, it’s a perfect time to gather over the coming weeks with friends, socialise, and let your communication skills be in full swing. Embracing the smooth-talking and creative energy that Gemini can support you with, think also about that witty humour, questioning the social norms, and not taking yourself too seriously.

The Gemini Full Moon invites us to embrace both faces that live within us all - holding space for our many truths to coexist peacefully.

Embrace booking up that calendar with social events, networking, and be open to invitations coming your way and you may find yourself more comfortable putting yourself out there for fun and sharing stories.

On the flip side, we may find ourselves feeling some heated emotions rising up, and we may find ourselves feeling a little irritable or perhaps frustrated with how things are unfolding.

Take this and what is coming up as the sign you need to use the magic of the Full Moon to release things that have become too burdensome. Allowing yourself to book some fun, social activities that can help to soften any tensions you may be feeling.

It’s also helpful to note that we have the Moon squaring with Saturn and opposing Mars and remember we are in Sagittarius season - a fun-loving, curious, optimistic, and adventurous sign!

What does this mean?

When we look at the Moon squaring with Saturn it can have us feeling a little frustrated and perhaps feeling a little blocked with our ambitions. So keeping yourself open and flexible is key and helpful to avoid any recklessness or conflict coming up. Saturn is the father of lessons so perhaps looking at your finances and spending habits but also in terms of career what are you sacrificing? Is it all work and no play? Are you feeling like your hard work is not paying off? Well, Saturn rewards hard workers and dedication but perhaps you need a little more discipline. But also allow yourself to have some fun and be open to planning socialising to recharge your batteries and have fun, laughter is the best medicine!

When we look at the Moon opposing Mars we look at focusing our passion and energy on our goals through hard work to avoid feeling irritated, and anger resulting in any impulsive actions. Mars is all about action and getting organised ruled by the Emperor in the tarot - we can have discipline and still get things done. As a fiery sign with an Air Full Moon that compliments each other, if you aren’t taking any actions towards your goals you are going to be feeling a lot stronger. But if you are planning and taking actionable steps you will find yourself over this lunation in smooth sailing.

Are you feeling like your hard work is not paying off? Well, Saturn rewards hard workers and dedication but perhaps you need a little more discipline. But also allow yourself to have some fun and be open to planning socialising to recharge your batteries and have fun, laughter is the best medicine!

How to work with the Gemini Full Moon

This Gemini Full Moon is set to be a powerful teacher. Allow yourself to be the student, and you are likely to find that as this Full Moon passes, you can understand things from a better place or see things from a bigger-picture perspective.

Overall, the November 2023 Full Moon is our reminder to begin clearing the clutter of the year gone by and to make time to socialize with our friends and family. By creating this lightness, it will be easier to navigate through any tense energies the Full Moon brings.

Below are a few helpful tips to work with the Full Moon

Ground yourself - a gentle grounding meditation visualising your roots anchoring you in the belly of Mother Earth for support. Going to the park/ nature and putting your feet on the ground with the intention to ground, inviting Gaia to support and ground you…you can even lay down.

Journaling whatever is coming up for you.

A soothing bath, shower with your favourite essential oils.

Walking by and/or connecting to water by the beach, lakes, rivers - whatever you have close by or feel called to do

Mediation to quieten the mind, body, and soul to bring you back to your centre and soothe yourself

If you need time to yourself - do it and honour your needs and desires…put yourself first perhaps for once

Many Full Moon blessings to you,

xx Assunta French

Assunta French is a Reiki healer, sound healer, and astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on World of Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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