Hold The Vision

We’re offering you the easiest path to your holistic wellbeing. WE are on a Mission to Inspire 1bn People to live Authentically. Our vision is to build the World’s Largest Playground for Self-Discovery.

Hold The Vision
The Vision Holds.

WE are Expanding. Our Story, Vision, Values & Exciting Announcements.

Welcome to our new home. The ‘Explore’ hub of a 3D World we are now building under WE — World of Enlighten. All hosted on our brand new website. We’re offering you the easiest path to your holistic wellbeing. WE are on a Mission to Inspire 1bn People to live Authentically. Our vision is to build the World’s Largest Playground for Self-Discovery. Today we are launching it. Here, I tell you the story behind it alongside some very exciting announcements.

PS: We are no longer hosting our publication on Substack. It's all on our website now.

Note To Self: Enlightened ideas can't spread without valid links. Here's the article with the correct links this time ;)

The Exploration Began 914 Days Ago.

914 days. Since August 28, 2022, I've been nurturing the dream of World of Enlighten (WE). Bought the domain on August 30. Launched our first website that very same day. No code platform. Simple directory. No time to waste. This was it.

I have been on a journey of wonders for years. A blend of wondering, building, failing, and rising again. 2 startups down, numerous failed projects, and a lifetime of wandering. At 10, I wrote a novel and tried to sell it to my classmates. You can call it my 1st business venture. The teachers were always complaining about me getting my friends in trouble and bossing everyone around. In my head I was probably already running a big corp then. Just let me skip school already. Oh that I did.

At 20, I started managing my friends’ crypto at uni. Dreams of building a crypto fund. 2017 crash hit, a humbling reset. Blessing in disguise, really. I would probably have been terrible at running a fund, too big appetite for risk.

At 22, Cambridge University saw my first startup—Gatekeypers, a key exchange platform for Airbnb hosts. There I learned my 1st business lesson: "You only have a business once a customer pays you at least 1 dollar for it." I hunted down Facebook groups, found customers, delivered keys across London, all while building a tech platform. The Uber for key exchange? Soulless.

Then came a health crisis, my compass reset. Passion is key in business, pun intended. I abandoned keys for what I believed was my true calling: a challenger bank for Autistic people. Second startup, Neuros, easy peasy—or so I thought. Plans unfolded, investors secured, big dreams in motion, then COVID struck. Plans crumbled.

Fortitude. I learned design. I built the entire prototype and assembled a team for free. Still not sure by what accident 22-year-old me led a team of senior experts for 1 year and a half working completely for free to build something I had imagined in my head. It was wild. I had a blast. We navigated the beta stages until I burnt out. Back to square one.

Thanks to Neuros I met Steve, my current co-founder. A silver lining amid the startup rubble. One of the smartest people I know. The most talented hacker too. We connected over existential questions of universe creation and quantum philosophies of life. Just that. We came together for a common purpose: create a new consensus reality for the world we live in. One that is friendlier for neurodivergent lenses. Or in simpler terms: change the world for the better. We failed together then. At least that's done. Nothing can stop us now. Visions and plans aligned. It's only a matter of time. We were both born with an innate knowing that we are here to change the world. It's in our blood. Runs in our veins. I wonder how many lifetimes we've been doing this for. Quantum Physicists meets Spiritual Mystic. I'd like to think that we're just like David Bohm and Krishnamurti teaming up to see the New World plans through a unified lens. The WE lens.

Looking back that which I had categorized as ‘failures’ were in fact a testament to resilience and the cycles of growth that shaped my journey. I am so proud of the person my life experiences have shaped me to become and still growing into.

Today, after years of self-discovery and exploration, I am thrilled to re-introduce you to WE—the freshest iteration of World of Enlighten.

Meet WE — Your Playground For Self-Discovery

Life is a game. We are here to play and get life to pay us for it. Literally. I have been saying that for years. I finally found a way to actually build it. You’re welcome.

It's Time To Play.

Our New Platform Unfolds In 3 Dimensions.

1. Explore

Explore Through Our Publication

‘Explore’ is like a magical mirror for your mind—an expedition into a realm of discovery, wisdom and limitless possibilities. This is the place where we tell stories and fantasize about new realities offering curated insights, stories, and timeless wisdom for your holistic growth. It's my personal favorite (don't tell the others!). This dimension unfolds as a publication, a navigator of worlds through words. It's the place where your mind embarks on a journey of limitless possibilities. Picture it as the cozy spot where you get to know this world before taking a deep dive into its wonders.

The publication itself is divided into 3 section: Explore, Experience and Expand to make it easier for you to navigate. You can opt in to receive our blog posts through our newsletter (you can also specify which section you prefer to be subscribed to) or simply visit us when you wander for inspiration. I personally make sure each article is a journey into new realms of wonder. Life's an adventure—let's explore together!

The Explore Publication is divided in 3 sections:

  1. Explore Timeless Wisdom (Every Monday): Delve into profound insights and timeless wisdom to expand your understanding of self and the universe.
  2. Experience Transformative Experiences (Every Wednesday): Immerse yourself in experiential content designed to evoke profound shifts and personal growth.
  3. Expand Limitless Horizons (Every Friday): Embrace boundless possibilities and push beyond limitations with practical tips and strategies for growth and development.

2. Experience

Experience Through Our Marketplace

‘Experience’ is the heartbeat of your being. It resonates through the vessel of your body, creating rhythms of connection, transformation, and holistic engagement. It is a vibrant Marketplace, a lively bazaar of holistic encounters. This dimension invites you to connect with highly vetted holistic guides all around the world both online and offline, book live events, retreats, courses, and indulge in personalized 1:1 sessions. Here, ‘Experience’ becomes the conduit for embodied wisdom, a space where your physical self is embraced, nurtured, and elevated through transformative moments that linger in the heart and echo in the soul. It's not just an experience; it's the symphony of your existence, played in the rich worlds of holistic engagements.

All our guides are vetted for top-notch experiences. Trust is ensured through our "infinity" symbol, and you can check peer reviews on each guide's profile. Verified reviews are marked for clarity, and each user can review a guide only once to keep things genuine.

If you are a guide reading this and would like to join us. More information for you here.

3. Expand (Coming Soon)

Expand Through Our Short Video Feed

‘Expand’ is like a dance floor for your spirit – a space where we share quick beats of practical inspiration to keep you moving on your journey. We believe that true growth occurs when the profound meets the practical, and that's what Expand is all about. In this dimension, we bridge the gap between esoteric concepts and your everyday reality. Expect actionable tips and exclusive insights designed to seamlessly integrate holistic practices into your routine. It's the alchemy of turning ancient wisdom into practical magic, enhancing your journey of self-discovery.

In simpler terms, ‘Expand’ is our Curated Short Video Content Feed sourced from platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube yeah we’re lazy. We hack, we don’t reinvent. Here, WE registered guides share practical insights, distilling wisdom from ‘Explore’ and experiences from ‘Experience’ into transformative snippets. Think of it as your backstage pass to the secrets of holistic living, helping you integrate these practices into your daily rhythm effortlessly.

Our Values Lead The Way.

Joy is our medicine. We’re crafting this platform with the utmost love. Our internal company values have been bright compass into creation. Here, we share them with you for some inspiration.

This Art Is Chaotically Joy.

1. Authenticity is Superpower.

Your authenticity is your superpower. This one speaks for itself.

2. Simplicity Optimizes Magic.

Magic is real. It is found in simplicity. Optimize for it by keeping things simple.

3. Turn Chaos Into Art.

Turning chaos into art is an art in itself. We understand that before creation comes destruction & chaos. We embrace it and create from it.

4. Stay Still, Stay Clear, Flow Fast.

Be water. Be formless and shapeless. Stay still amidst disturbance. Stay clear in your purpose. Flow with fast currents.

5. Alchemize the Impossible.

You are an Alchemist. If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand. Nothing is impossible. From nothing, WE alchemize the impossible.

6. No Rules For Creation.

There are no rules for creation. Break them. Rules are constraints. We don’t like rules. We create through Values. Creation is limitless. Embrace infinity.

WE are on a Mission to Inspire 1bn People to Live Authentically.

That's it really. What else is there to say? Not much. Live and let yourself live.

‘From joy I came for joy. For joy I live. In sacred joy, I melt again’ - Yg


Love & Rebel Light to You all


Maya Bhyer

Join The Adventure