How Deep is Your Love?

To cultivate self-love, we also need to stop striving for perfection and give ourselves permission to be perfectly imperfect.

How Deep is Your Love?
Loves Runs Deep.

Every Monday, WE Explore different realms of consciousness to facilitate your self-discovery & growth.

One of the greatest acts of service we can do is to love ourselves a little more each day. This one act will change the world. It will bring enlightenment to our door. To love ourselves unreservedly may be the hardest project we ever embark on, but it is one that will make the biggest difference. For while there is self-blame and self-judgement, there is blame and judgement of others. While we are hurt on the inside, we project hurt on the outside. When we do not love ourselves, we seek love out in the world, making us needy, craving validation and the good opinion of others. This is what blocks our ability to love unconditionally. 

So how do we embark on the journey of true self-love? By going within, meditating and connecting with our own sacred nature. When we do this all our labels and judgements drop away and there is just pure presence – the knower behind the thinker, the Source that emanates throughout all forms in the universe. Regularly experiencing this kind of present moment awareness helps us to de-stress, defragging our brain like a computer and releasing our daily baggage so that we have the bandwidth to heal those deeply ingrained wounds that have been patiently waiting for our loving care and attention.

To cultivate self-love, we also need to stop striving for perfection and give ourselves permission to be perfectly imperfect. When we realise that we are all fabulously flawed human beings, divinely designed to be just so, we can feel empowered by all the parts of ourselves that we once considered flawed. We can love all our wonky bits, for they are what make us so endearingly human and relatable. Despite the wonkiness of life, we are all flawless, radiant, exquisite beyond compare.

Falling in love with ourselves is the secret to falling in love with life. And of course, loving ourselves is how we invite others to love us too. This is not selfish - we cannot truly love another until we feel love for our own skin. So let us shower ourselves with compassion and kindness. As the Buddha said, 

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection.”


Andrea Revell

About Andrea Revell

Andrea is a visionary thought leader, philosopher and author on all things mind body spirit. Previously an academic at universities in the UK and Asia, she has lived and travelled all over the world researching and teaching on sustainability and spirituality, encouraging systemic solutions to our planetary health problems. Using integrative medicine to successfully resolve an autoimmune condition she had for many years, Andrea trained in various alternative healing modalities and is now an internationally certified spiritual life coach, unlocking people’s potential with the power of meditation, breathwork and ancient Egyptian numerology. She has a PhD in environmental ethics and is a lover of philosophy, particularly Eastern philosophy, inspired by her years of living in India and Japan. Andrea has a regular yoga and meditation practice and loves to explore all things metaphysical. Having grown up in New Zealand and South Africa, she now lives in the UK with her husband and two children.

You can connect with her on World of EnlightenTiktok, Instagram or her Website. 

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