Drama, Chaos & Spice

Hermes the messenger and Trickster of the Gods, ruler of Mercury, is really showing us his trickster energy by going retrograde roughly for three weeks on April 1st through until April 25th

Drama, Chaos & Spice
Spice is Red.

Explore Mercury Retrograde in Aries + Eclipse Season

Navigate seasonal and astrological energies with our guides in WE Explore. These articles aren't tied to specific days, but appear whenever cosmic or earthly events unfold.

The Trickster is Among us

This month's return of Mercury Retrograde in Aries IN the midst of Eclipse season is sure to add to the chaos with drama and spice! 

Hermes the messenger and Trickster of the Gods, ruler of Mercury, is really showing us his trickster energy by going retrograde roughly for three weeks on April 1st through until April 25th…*nervous laughter* in fact all four Mercury Retrogrades this year are in the fire signs *inaudible nervous laughter* 

He is known for causing a little trickery regarding communication, technology, travel, and contracts and we often have an ex pop back into our lives seemingly out of nowhere.

Mercury is an inner planet and moves faster within the solar system, this allows us to feel his presence more as there are often retrogrades three-four times a year (four this year). This is caused by a slowing down movement that feels like it’s going backward. We often find his presence can be a little challenging, however, knowing what to expect and accepting it’s a time to slow down helps. Using the time for reflection and going inwards.

Mercury represents the mind

It is the lens through which we see the world. It shapes how we perceive and understand our experiences. The mind forms our beliefs and our perspectives, and it is during Mercury retrograde that we have an opportunity to peer within and observe the patterns, beliefs, and narratives that we operate in life.

Mercury retrograde often gets a bad rep for obvious reasons, those born during a mercury retrograde are able to have a gentler experience, and for some of us the pre-shadow phase which we are currently experiencing can actually feel worse than the retrograde itself. 

Let Go to Create Anew

As this Mercury Retrograde is in Aries, the new astrological year, it’s gifting us this time to really go inwards, reflect and let go of what truly is no longer serving us. So we can birth new ideas, creations that burn below the surface yearning to be brought into the physical world. Allowing us to take charge and be the main character of our lives.

We use this gift from the cosmos to our advantage. We can view this as a time of reflection, reviewing our inner dialogue, our goals, beliefs, boundaries. It’s a time to look at our communication and reactions, offering a chance for a new perspective perhaps giving space before responding.

Asking ourselves how do we view ourselves in the world?

Has it gone toward creating a life that is true to us as individuals? Or have we been directing it elsewhere? Redirecting our power away from ourselves.

Aries reminds us that we all have our own needs. We each have our own worlds that live within us and dreams that call us toward them. The North Node of purpose, evolution, and growth has been moving through Aries since 2023. Throughout this time, we have all been healing, building, and cultivating our own Aries fires. This will continue into 2025.

Fire, Passion & Intensity

Ignite the Fire Within.

This fire within Aries, the first sign of the zodiacs and viewed as the “baby”, is known for its fiery, combustible, and passionate nature. Let’s be real - Aries is ruled by the “god of war” so it checks out! This intensity can sometimes lead to extreme temper tantrums, which may be a result of exhaustion, frustration and other factors. It is advisable to double-check your text messages and emails, and think before speaking to avoid saying something that you may regret later.

We have the New Moon and total Solar Eclipse on 8th April, which brings with it powerful energy that can help us with our healing journey. It is time to honour what is coming up and release, and be accepting of yourself and others. Think and embrace inner child work, give your “little me” the love and kindness that you deserve and perhaps wish you had growing up. Your reactions during this time will have a deeper meaning and not just the slight irritations on the surface level but what’s underneath is causing the reaction. This is why using Mercury Retrograde as a time for reflection and journaling is powerful and empowering.

Remember that what is unfolding and happening to you at during this time especially as it coincides with the Solar Eclipse is for your greater good as Eclipses are about fate and consequences so let go of control and surrender to trust. You may feel frustrated, confused, sad, happy - whatever emotions are coming up for you honour  them and believe and know that this is for your highest good.

Some helpful advice to navigate this fiery and intense energy:

●      In true Aries form they love to go full blast - jumping in full blast but resist this and allow information that may be hidden to come to the surface and allow things to unfold as they should.

●      Don’t respond to everything straight away especially if you’re triggered, you will be feeling more sensitive than usual so don’t that fiery tongue say something you can’t take back

●      Scream into a pillow if you have to, to express your frustration, use the fiery energy at the gym for your workouts to move the energy up and out of the body

●      Take soothing baths to extinguish the flames and allow the body to relax and soothe itself

●      Making sure you are grounding in the mornings and throughout the day and when you have a chance in nature on the grass with trees - we have these natural resources to use and they want to help and support us. 

●      Recharge & Reconnect: Join the WE Virtual Sanctuary this Thursday April 4th for 3 guided wellness practices by expert holistic guides. 7.30pm UK Time. Online & Free For All.

Godspeed people and wishing you the best of luck over the coming spicy, and fiery weeks! We are all in this together and you are not alone. If you need anything please do let me know.

Much love and gratitude,

Assunta x

Assunta French is a Reiki healer, sound healer, and astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on World of Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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