Rebel Runs In Our Veins

Rebel Runs In Our Veins

It's Time to Explore The Rebel Spirit

At the heart of World of Enlighten — WE lies the Rebel Spirit, an unwavering commitment to challenge norms and foster change. Iconoclastic Inspiration as one of our core values, we stand with the Rebels, the Renegades, and the Mavericks—those who dare to defy the status quo and shape the future with Audacity and Authenticity. The journey of creation and destruction intertwines in a beautiful spiral of Chaotic Creativity, driving us forward to question, break, and create anew. It's a call to embrace Audacious Authenticity and dare to be ourselves in a world that often demands conformity.

Rebel is Eagle. (Source: Pinterest)

Shattering the Illusion: The Truth About Spirituality

The world of 'Spirituality' and 'Holistic Wellbeing' is often misconstrued as a realm of ‘Love and Light’. A fluffy pink unicorn world where everyone hugs trees and walks barefoot singing hipstery songs and doing weird salutations towards the sun. That, my dear readers is called a stereotype. A very well constructed ‘woo-woo’ and ‘ungrounded’ stereotype that masks the true nature of Spiritual Warriors. Mainstream media has woven a narrative that keeps us lulled into complacency, obscuring the reality of our rebel nature. For too long, our voices have been silenced and our rebellion stifled by societal norms. But it's time to awaken the Rebel Spirit within us and challenge the illusions that bind us.

Even Arc-Angels Are Warriors.

The iconic statue of Arc-Angel Michael outside the United Nations speaks volumes about the spiritual warfare unfolding around us—a battle often overlooked by those immersed in the ‘love and light’ paradigm. Yet, they’re putting it right in front of our face. How blind could we be? While angels are typically depicted as ethereal beings bathed in celestial light, wielding swords and sickles, their essence as warriors is unmistakable. They embody a sacred mandate to safeguard justice and equilibrium in the cosmos.

‘Good Defeats Evil’ by Zurab Tsereteli. 1990.

Yet, amidst the cacophony of New Age platitudes and 'love and light' mantras, many of us fail to recognize their own warrior potential, choosing passivity over action. Seduced by the allure of passive spirituality (ie Bypassing), we relinquish our innate power and agency, allowing injustice and imbalance to proliferate unchecked. It’s time to awaken from this slumber of complacency and reclaim our spiritual sovereignty.

Our journey begins with acknowledging the truth: we are spiritual warriors entrusted with the task of co-creating a world aligned with divine harmony. Just as Arc-Angel Michael wields his sword to vanquish darkness and restore order, so too must we summon the courage to confront the shadows within and without. This is not a call to arms in the conventional sense, but rather a clarion call to embrace our inherent strength and resilience.

By embracing our warrior potential, we tap into a wellspring of inner power and conviction—a force capable of transcending the limitations of the material world and effecting profound transformation on a cosmic scale.

It’s Time To Activate Your Rebel Spirit.

Remember when we said Covid would never happen? Quarantine would never happen? They probably thought World War 2 would never happen either. Maybe the nuclear war would never happen either, yet it all did. It's a stark reminder that complacency breeds catastrophe.

You, my dear, are not accessing your warrior power to create authority, justice and balance in this world because you are too passive and allowing this Spiritual New Age Junk (which is by the way proliferated by the exact same systems resisting change) to eat your brains out.

The world is in dire need of Rebels—individuals willing to challenge the status quo and effect tangible change. Meditating away problems is not enough. Praying to trees won’t make societal issues disappear either. While seeking solace and harmony in the spiritual realms are noble endeavors in their own right, it’s time to come back to Earth. Harmony means doing both. Grounding Spiritual knowledge onto Earth, not bypassing to live ‘peacefully’ in whatever enlightened illusionary state you’ve created for yourself. Sorry to burst your bubble but meaningful change on a global scale requires meaningful action.

Change Happens From Inside The System.

We must infiltrate and transform the very systems that perpetuate injustice. Do you want justice? Then become the embodiment of justice itself, become a lawyer that champions the rights of the oppressed, a police officer who upholds authority. You’re outraged by billionaires and crave more humanitarianism? Quit shouting from the sidelines and start making waves. Find a way to become wealthy yourself and channel that wealth into meaningful societal change. You want to change the world? Start your business and let it be a force for positive change. Sure, call me an idealist, but when there's a will, there's a way. Excuses won't cut it. It's all about Conscious, Meaningful Action. That’s the name of the game. Period.

See Beyond Illusion. (Source: Pintrest)

Some of us are meant to be spiritual teachers, guides, and healers, guiding humanity toward enlightenment and inner peace. Others are destined to be scientists, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and uncovering the mysteries of the universe. Some will excel as artists, capturing the essence of human experience through their creativity and expression. Then there are those who thrive in leadership roles, shaping policies and systems that govern society. Each of us plays a unique and essential role, contributing our gifts and talents to create a rich and diverse world. It's through the collective efforts of individuals from all walks of life that we can address the challenges we face and build a brighter future for generations to come. Of course, this goes without saying that inner work comes first.

The Illusion Stops Here. Create A New One.

If divine beings such as Archangels have the right to be warriors, so can we. It’s time to shatter the illusion of safety and confront the harsh realities of our world. As much as you want to repeat it as your morning mantra, you are only safe once you rise into your duty as bridge between the Heavens and the Earth. Fully embodying your spiritual powers into Earth and activating change on this realm. Merely meditating problems away won't suffice; action is imperative. Ignoring the problem only allows it to fester, threatening to erupt with devastating consequences.

Let us rise together, embracing our inner warriors, and forge a new reality—one built on courage, action, and unwavering resolve. The time for change is now.

Introducing Yoga & The Rebel Spirit.

World of Enlighten - WE is proud to partner with Yoga In the Stars to bring a Unique Series of Workshops to you, all centred around Awakening The Rebel Spirit.

In the upcoming season, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery by examining the world around us, turning the notion of self-study inward and outward simultaneously. By exploring the world’s history, we gain insights into our present reality, understanding the past to better comprehend the present.

Together, we will delve into important turning points in history, the impacts of political choices across generations, the advent of PR and the psychological impacts of mass control over the last 100 years - namely through the work of Edward Barney's (Freud's Nephew), and the most important of all - how do we become stronger and clearer within ourselves? More resilient, but without losing the love for creation and humankind. In this process, we confront the shadows of history, shedding light on past transgressions by leaders in various fields. By holding the world to higher standards, we challenge ourselves to do the same, fostering personal growth and accountability. Inspiring conscious meaningful action one workshop at a time.

Awareness on Julian Assange Trial & The Devastation in the Middle East

Our first Workshop on the 25th of February highlight and bring awareness to the Julian Assange Trial and the Devastation in the Middle East.

A night of rebel folk music, with David Rovics on tour from the US, and an afternoon workshop on Yoga / Music and the Rebel Spirit_ / Peace Movement and Rebel Music Sing-along with Alex and Ollie of Francis Road Buskers & Friends with Yoga in the Stars and World of Enlighten Jammers / plus special guest Archie Shuttler (from a band who’s name can’t be mentioned on social media without getting banned).

Yoga & the Rebel Spirit - To Highlight and bring awareness to the Julian Assange Trial and the Devastation in the Middle East

A night of rebel folk music, with David Rovics on tour from the US, and an afternoon workshop on Yoga / Music and the Rebel Spirit_ / Peace Movement and Rebel Music Sing-along with Alex and Ollie of Francis Road Buskers & Friends with Yoga in the Stars and World of Enlighten Jammers / plus special guest Archie Shuttler (from a band who’s name can’t be mentioned on social media without getting banned) / 

Yoga & the Rebel Spirit - Workshop and Discussion - 3pm 

Yoga, Music and the Rebel Spirit - a discussion and workshop on history and it’s impact on our sense of Self. With focus on The Power of People VS The Power of Propaganda - How counterculture confers propaganda - with David Rovics

£0 - BUT register in advance HERE.

David Rovics + Support Live in Concert - 7pm doors / 7.30pm start 

Donation based entry / Suggested Donation £10+ / no one turned away for lack of funds.

I hope to see many of you there.

Love & Rebel Light

xx Maya

The Song Of the Revolution. One of my favs. Enjoy.


David Rovics is a songwriter, musician, writer and podcaster based in Portland, Oregon.  

Since the 1990’s, David has been touring regularly throughout North America, Europe, and occasionally elsewhere, playing on stages large and small, at protests and festivals as well as in squatted social centres and folk clubs.  He has recorded dozens of albums and has millions of his songs streamed every year.  

As a guitar-slinging singer/songwriter, and recording artist, David has collaborated with artists such as Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) and shared the stage with Billy BraggChumbawambaJoan Baez and Pete Seeger

His many years of attempting to musically infiltrate the Left have not been entirely pointless. He has been a featured performer at protests throughout North America and Europe. An abbreviated list includes many protest rallies against the IMF and World Bank in Washington DC including April 16th, 2000; antiwar protests in Washington and New York, including February 15th, 2003, for half a million people.

When President Bush came to Berlin in 2002, David entertained the 100,000 or so folks who came to protest, and at the TTIP protest in Berlin in 2015 he sang for 250,000. He was also a featured performer at the G8 protests in Rostock in 2007, the G8 protests in Scotland in 2005, the G20 in Pittsburgh in 2009 and the G20 in Toronto the following year. Other countries where David has played at protests for thousands of people include England, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Australia and Japan.

These sorts of crowds make David feel very good, since at his own gigs he considers himself lucky if 50 people show up.

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