Sagittarius Full Moon

This Full Moon is all about enjoying the sense of wonder, curiosity, and expansion that can unfold when we loosen control and open up to a more gentle energy of feeling good and knowing that we deserve to feel these emotions and receive these experiences.

Sagittarius Full Moon
Sagittarius Queen.

Written by Assunta French.

Dear beautiful reader,

On Thursday 23rd of May at 2:53pm La Luna will reach her glory and fullness for this months Sagittarius Full Moon and can you feel the sense of expansion in the air? The cosmos are helping us to create and expand beyond our limited beliefs and mindsets, it’s a time to think big and feel a sense of excitement over the Summer months.

 What does this mean for yourself and the collective?

This Full Moon is all about enjoying the sense of wonder, curiosity, and expansion that can unfold when we loosen control and open up to a more gentle energy of feeling good and knowing that we deserve to feel these emotions and receive these experiences.

Sagittarius energy is all about fun, adventure, travel, joy, play, and reminding ourselves to not take ourselves and situations so seriously. They are the truth seekers, seeking out truth and knowledge in conventional and often very unconventional ways to help them understand the world around them and always curious about the world that is beyond them.

The symbol for Sagittarians is the archer, who bravely takes aim towards his target firing his arrow…will it land on his target or slightly miss? This is a reminder that you are limitless and more than capable than you know and that you have the planet of luck on your side.

Thanks to Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, we are able to harness this energy under the Full Moon to help create an abundant mindset and see that our lives are already full of abundance and magic. With this mindset and a practice of gratitude is can help bring more in and setting those intentions with belief and trust that’ll happen is where we start seeing the miracles.

If you have felt a little hermit like the past month this energy mixed with Gemini season is encouraging you to try new things, mix up our daily routines, catch up friends that make you feel good, doing something that ignites your passions, and a reminder that life isn’t always meant toe be hard work. We are here to have fun and seek the magic in  the everyday, it is all around us if we seek it.

As Full Moons are about releasing what no longer serves you and shine a light on what is hidden underneath the surface such as behaviours that are hidden and it’s time to let them go.

This is also the perfect time to reflect on what you have achieved six months ago with the Sagittarius New Moon. What seeds have begun to grow and changes that have occurred since then and now. Releasing shame around making joy our intention can also help.

Sometimes, we can feel like hard work is necessary to feel productive or that we are making a difference. But sometimes, the best difference we can make to our own lives and the lives of others is to be in our joy and to seek joy.

See if you can use the energies of the Full Moon to make joy a priority and see how that begins to evolve and shift your life in a new direction.

Some ways to work with this Sagittarius Full Moon:

·       Ground yourself - a gentle grounding meditation visualising your roots anchoring you in the belly of Mother Earth for support or going to the park/ nature and putting your feet on the ground with the intention to ground, inviting Mother Nature to support and ground you…you can even lay down

·       Journaling whatever is coming up for you

·       A soothing bath/ shower with your favourite essential oils with the intention of relaxation and soothing your soul

·        Meditation to quieten the mind, body, and soul to bring you back to your centre

·       Working with fire elements like burning a candle and meditating with the flame

·       On scrap pieces of paper, write out three words that represent the behaviour and/or feelings you wish to release and burn into the candle flame or in a bowl of water under the night sky or a quiet place in your home embodying that emotion and calling in your spirit helpers to help you release. At the end using the words “be gone, so mote it be”

·        Then in your journal swap the narrative with an affirmation that is positive inversion of what you released (for example: you released “fear of being seen” the affirmation might be “ it’s safe for me to seen and share my wisdom and knowledge to support others”)

·       Charging your crystal under the Full Moon sky outside or on the window ledge

·       Make Moon water with an intention or affirmation by leaving a covered glass or jar outside or by the window ledge to charge

Sending you many Full Moon blessings!

Much love and gratitude,

Assunta x

P.S I offer 1:1 healings online and in person, if you are interested you can get in touch.

Don't Miss Out! ⏰ Full Moon Abundance Activation Circle.

Align with the Freedom Seeking and Adventurous energies of the Sagittarius Full Moon to manifest your highest self into being! You can have it all. You already have.✨

Join the online circleTONIGHT Wednesday 22nd, 7:00pm UK time.

About Assunta French

Assunta French is a Reiki healer, Sound healer, and Astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on World of Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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