Rebirth Yourself

The whispers of Spring renewal and the potential for healing are ever-present. This article by Priestess Ella Farhani explores rituals & mindfulness practices for you to connect to these beautiful energies.

Rebirth Yourself
Birth is around the Garden.

Renewal is Spring's Key word.

Navigate seasonal and astrological energies with our guides in WE Explore. These articles aren't tied to specific days, but appear whenever cosmic or earthly events unfold.

While the Spring Equinox may have passed yesterday, the whispers of renewal and the potential for healing are ever-present. This article by Priestess Ella Farhani explores rituals & mindfulness practices for you to connect to these beautiful energies.

In the northern hemisphere the Spring Equinox falls on 20th March this year. It also marks the start of the astrological new year. The air is ripe and fresh with possibility, after the long winter can you feel the soft subtle whispers all around you? Listen and look closely…. 

Equinoxes are a point of balance  with equal amounts of day and night. Reminding us of the magic of balance. The Spring Equinox marks the midpoint between the Summer Solstice, when the days grow longer and the nights shorter. 

The beginning of spring is a time of blossoming of renewal. The Druids know the equinox as Ostara meaning “the light of the earth”. The equal amounts of light and dark are as true for our psyches. The inner darkness Annwn in the Celtic traditions contains all of our potential for the year ahead - all those ideas and plans gestating waiting to bloom. Like the seeds and the bulbs under the earth beneath our feet these are now ready waiting to burst forth with exuberance into the world.

Ostara is a glorious day to embody the essence of spring itself. Taking your time, being slow and deliberate, allowing yourself to be nourished by the earth, releasing the old, allowing it to die and creating space for the new. Take some time to journey with the elements , this could look like candle gazing, watching rain fall, creating space to daydream qazing at the clouds, stars, moon, forest bathing.

It’s also a time for gaining clarity and insight, setting intentions for the new astrological year ahead. Here is  a simple yet potent ritual to gain clarity, reflect on your gifts and call in your desires for the year ahead:

A Simple Mindfulness Practice for Balance

Take a moment to stand barefoot on the earth, feel your connection to mother earth and the support that’s beneath your feet

Take 3 long slow breaths 

With every breath visualise yourself pulling energy up from mother earth and into your body.

Like warm golden light until your whole being is glowing radiantly 

Take a moment to stretch your arms out to shoulder height 

Noticing any balance or imbalance in your body 

Pay attention to your left side this is where we receive from the world

With every breath you are drawing in new life force energy calling in visions, objects , symbols for your life, what do you see, what you hear, what do you sense, what do you feel?

Take a moment to check in with yourself, are these what you need, are you receiving what you desire for your overall wellbeing? 

Now pay attention to your right side. With every breath you are seeing visions, objects , symbols and here you see what you give out, what you express. With every breath you are giving back to the world, what do you offer to the world?

Take a moment to bring your awareness into your heart space, gather all of your awareness into the cave of your heart. Do you feel a balance between what you give and receive ?

What do you attract, what can you release 

Spend some time in reflection contemplating the balance within you

When you are ready to complete this ritual take a  moment to place your hands over your heart 

It may feel good and right to you to note down your insights and experiences in your journal to reflect on a the wheel of the year continues to turn towards Beltane 

Garden magic at the equinox

Sowing seeds now will give you abundant plants in the summer. The land is fertile and ripe for planting. To give extra magic to your seed sowing you can bless them, infusing them with your energy and intentions. If you feel comfortable and safe to do so you can gently close your eyes or take your gaze to something pleasant within your space.

Hold the seeds in your hands, gently release your breath caressing the seeds

With every beautiful sweet, tender, blessing breath you are infusing the seeds with your energy and intentions, it may feel good to softly whisper these into the seeds, or to continue to allow your breath to saturate the seeds with your blessings 

When this process feels complete take the seeds and hold them at your heart space and give praise and thanks for the blessings that are on their way to you

As you sow the seeds repeat your blessings….

Build an Ostara altar

Altars are energy centres, they create focal points for us to harness our intentions and our spiritual practices. Creating an Ostara altar is one of the highlights of my year. Gathering the offerings from nature and the ritual of creation brings me so much joy. Gather sacred pieces for your altar in green for abundance and new life, yellow for creativity and fertility, purple for creativity and expression. Herbs and flowers abundant at this time of year are Violets, daffodils, Jasmine, apple blossom, orange blossom, Irish Moss. Be inspired by what you can see in bloom in your garden, park or local space of nature. Listen to the elements to gain insight and guidance on how to craft your altar.

May you honour the great turning of the wheel that is your life 

May you know that rebirth is possible with every sacred breath 

May you know that you can travel anywhere in your dreams and your soul 

May you remember that you are both the vessel and the sacred healing waters

May you be your sight 

May you reclaim abundance as your birthright 

Blessed be!


Ella Farhani

Ella Farahani is an Avalonian Priestess, devoted ritualist, sound therapist and energy healer. Honouring the turning of the wheel of the year and the wisdom traditions of the lands of her ancestors where she resides. Ella crafts potent healing ritual spaces allowing you to awaken to the truth of who you are, who you have always been. To live a life filled with more ease, joy and freedom.

You can find her on World of Enlighten or Instagram.

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