Taurus Lunar Eclipse

No, you are not going crazy.

Taurus Lunar Eclipse

The Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse falls on October 28, 2023, this year right in the middle of Eclipse season.

Take a second to check-in with yourself.

How are you feeling?

Are you feeling a little all over the place? Does your Spirit feel tested? How are your emotions?

Remember if you are feeling all of these this is what an Eclipse season does for us to move this energy around and notice things we haven’t before…you are not going cray cray! Remember all emotions deserve to be felt. All emotions deserve to be heard. Whilst we don’t want to wallow in them, we can definitely can honour them allowing these emotions to have some space. When we do, we are often able to see them in a new way and overcome them in a way that is healthy and productive.

This is also a Partial lunar eclipse meaning – “during a partial lunar eclipse, only part of the moon enters Earth's shadow, which may look like it is taking a "bite" out of the lunar surface. Earth's shadow will appear dark on the side of the moon facing Earth. How much of a "bite" we see depends on how the sun, Earth and moon align, according to NASA”. Here’s a short guide from NASA on where to see the eclipse.

It’s time to say goodbye

Eclipses are always helping us to shed the layers, to step into more of our authentic selves, and to realign with our soul path. You can think of them as leaping points where we can step into a higher consciousness and reach a new chapter of our soul’s evolution.

As this Taurus Eclipse is the last of the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio cycle, it is bringing forth incredible power for endings. If there is something you wish to end, something you wish to bring to a close, the weeks surrounding this Eclipse are a great time to take action. Use the energies of the Eclipse to close doors and say goodbye to all that is no longer serving your soul. While we may wish to control this process, Eclipses tend to work in mysterious ways, guiding us to where we need to be.

If there is something you wish to end, something you wish to bring to a close, the weeks surrounding this Eclipse are a great time to take action.

Which cycles are you closing?

We want to start taking a moment or two to reflect on November 2021 what themes and changes took place soon afterwards? Chances are these have come full circle and the energy of that point in your life has manifested and we are seeing the full picture. You will notice how far you have come, and what you have overcome and achieved since that time and should be taking a moment to reflect and be proud of yourself.

While you may have requests of what you wish to be free of, let the Eclipse also work its magic. Let it reveal to you all there is to see. The final pieces of the puzzle will be put into place, so allow them to fall where they may.

Something to keep in mind is that we are in the first week of Scorpio season which is ruled by Pluto, the planet known as the Lord of the Underworld, who is rather active under this Full Moon Eclipse. This is going to help us with our death and rebirth of certain aspects of ourselves, whatever themes are coming up for you at the moment. If you are unsure but notice yourself thinking about money, relationships, career, identity, sexuality, and esoteric subjects then chances are you are feeling the effects of Pluto as these are the themes we associate with Pluto and Scorpio so embrace these shifts and uncomfortable emotions.

The Work Is Done In The Shadows

We may have to confront some shadows or peek into corners we may not have dared to before. We may find ourselves unearthing things that are uncomfortable. What was once hidden may now step into the light as we embrace these shadows and learn to embrace them and make peace. As mentioned earlier, it’s a time of making peace with all that has occurred since November 2021 during the last Taurus Eclipse cycle. Perhaps if we are not exactly where want to be in certain ways accepting that we are where we are meant to be, perhaps certain relationships haven’t worked out, certain goals have shifted gears, and others have bought us exactly what we wanted.

Accepting the shadow side could also mean you, learning to accept joy, happiness, and abundance in all its forms. If it’s a mindset that is lacking perhaps it’s time to lean into it and heal those wounds so you can welcome all the good that you deserve. We are all Spiritual beings and life is challenging but we are not meant to be lacking in the world's current climate it is hard to believe this but if you can search a little deeper and find your hidden wound (s) you can bring light and love to it (them).

Accepting the shadow side could also mean you, learning to accept joy, happiness, and abundance in all its forms.

Thinner Veil & Louder Truths

What is currently taking place in the world and unfolding in front of our eyes is very much what we can expect of Eclipse and Scorpio Season - the thinning of the veil, bringing awareness to the truths that have been hidden by people in power and how society needs to change. Old-dated concepts and beliefs need to be shaken up, we need to bring the power back to society and away from our so-called leaders who are causing more division. Having said that, as the vibration rises, more and more people are becoming aware of this and the lies we have been fed to support each other no matter our backgrounds - we just need to seek more courage and stand up collectively for what we believe in.

We can also thank Scorpio in Mercury - the planet of communication so you might want to check yourself before reacting to help keep your level head and before using your sting. You might want to observe before reacting and sometimes biting your tongue is worth it before saying something you can’t take back and also ask yourself - is it really worth your time and energy?

As the Eclipse energies are a bit volatile, we may find comfort in taking time for rest, hibernation, and retreating inwards to journal, mediate and perhaps inner healing.

Overall, there is a strong mix of potent energies in the air under this Eclipse.

The end of October is destined to be a powerful time. Endings will happen. New beginnings will slowly emerge. The transformation will unfold. We may feel rattled, but the future is bright.

This Taurus Lunar Eclipse may get you thinking about the inner work that you have done lately, and just how much you have grown. You may have been doing a lot of self-reflection or healing, and perhaps this Eclipse is a good reminder to congratulate yourself for how far you have come. As we reach the Scorpio New Moon on November 13, the dust will begin to settle, and fresh energies will emerge. Whatever journey you have been moving through will take a gentler turn, helping you to focus on what is truly important.

To help you navigate this Eclipse season here are a few helpful tips:

● Ground yourself - a gentle grounding meditation visualising your roots anchoring you in the belly of Mother Earth for support

● Literally going to the park/ nature and putting your feet on the ground with the intention to ground, inviting Gaia to support and ground you…you can even lay down

● Journaling whatever is coming up for you

● A soothing bath, shower with your favourite essential oils

● Walking and connecting to water by the beach, lakes, rivers - whatever you have close by or feel called to do

● Mediation to quieten the mind, body, and soul to bring you back to your centre and soothe yourself

● If you need time to yourself - do it and honour your needs and desires…put yourself first perhaps for once

Many Full Moon blessing to you,


Assunta French is a Reiki healer, sound healer, and astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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