The Jaw-Dropping Truth About Your Ancestors

Bio-emotional harmonization is a process that combines different ways of understanding our biology and emotions. It looks at the unconscious mind to figure out and understand psychological, behavioral conflicts, and patterns we might repeat

The Jaw-Dropping Truth About Your Ancestors

Explore Bio-Emotional Decoding & Literally Re-Program Your Life.

Bio-Emotional Decoding or Harmonization is a powerful tool for uncovering the emotional & physical imprints passed down through generations. This transformative process allows us to connect with our ancestral roots, understand inherited patterns, and pave the way for healing and personal growth.

At the end of this article, I share my own experience with it. And let me tell you. It is mind-blowingly powerful. You really wanna read it.

Understanding Bio-Emotional Harmonization

Bio-emotional harmonization is a process that combines different ways of understanding our biology and emotions. It looks at the unconscious mind to figure out and understand psychological, behavioral conflicts, and patterns we might repeat. This technique involves using various methods like looking at our family history, language programming, understanding how our body connects to the stars, ancient healing practices, and more. More specifically, this technique draws from transgenerational analysis, neurolinguistic programming, systemic constellations, flower essences therapy, astromedicine, shamanism, dowsing, rebirthing, and psycho-magic. It's like decoding the messages our body and mind are sending us to find better ways to heal and grow.


The Language of the Unconscious

In the realm of bio-emotional decoding, symptoms and patterns, whether physical or emotional, are encrypted in the language of the unconscious. This unique approach recognizes that understanding the triggering event might not be enough, as our biology often grapples with acknowledging its resolution. Consider conditions like diabetes, cancer, autism, strokes, and chronic pain as well as emotional challenges like anxiety, depression or self-sabotaging behavioral patterns. These symptoms may have roots in ancestral unresolved trauma or issues passed down through generations, imprinted in our DNA. Bio-emotional decoding is a powerful tool in uncovering and addressing these deeply ingrained patterns, providing a pathway to heal not only our present but also the unresolved challenges imprinted in our ancestral lineage. Shifting our life forever and that of our next 7 generations as well!

The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Sequence

The Science Behind It

Grounded in the science of epigenetics, bio-emotional decoding explores the impact of ancestral experiences on gene expression. This practice provides practical tools to navigate the intricate relationship between our genetic makeup and environmental influences.

Marc Frechét's Project-Purpose

French Psycho-oncologist Marc Frechét's exploration into Project-Purpose highlights how our unconscious projects roles onto future generations, shaping destinies. His personal journey revealed that our conception and gestation carry encoded conflicts that play out in our lives, often determining our life purpose.

He further unveils the Memorized Biological Cycles, a mechanism storing information in a pattern known as the golden spiral or Fibonacci sequence. This fractal model guides us to identify the anchors of symptoms, providing a roadmap for healing.

Dr. Rilke Hamer's Emotional Correspondence

Dr. Rilke Hamer's work correlates emotional experiences with organ manifestation in the body. His findings establish a connection between our psyche, brain, and organ health, offering insights into the emotional roots of physical symptoms.

Dr. Salomón Sellam's Recumbent Syndrome

Dr. Salomón Sellam's discovery of the Recumbent Syndrome reveals an unconscious process of transgenerational reparation. Individuals inherit an uncompleted mourning process for an unjustified or unjustifiable death in their ancestry, compelling them to repeat symptoms until the mourning is resolved.

Marcela’s Borean Recoding Rituals

Initiate the healing process by identifying a physical symptom, such as an illness or pain, or identifying a life situation that triggers discomfort. This could include recognizing repetitive patterns or acknowledging emotional traumas. Addressing these symptoms begins by retracing conflicting ancestral patterns, providing our biology with new resources for healthier possibilities. Retracing these conflicting patterns, allows us to understand and acknowledge the unresolved issues that may have influenced our biology and impacted our well-being. This process is akin to revisiting the stories and challenges experienced by our ancestors, creating an opportunity to introduce new resources and perspectives into our biology. Through this exploration, we lay the foundation for healthier possibilities, not only for ourselves but also for the generations that follow.

Experience Marcela's transformative decoding processes in our bi-weekly Enlightened Meets. These online sessions are free and offer a unique opportunity to connect with Marcela every 2 Thursdays. Don't miss the next session on Thursday, February 8th—come and experience it for yourself!

Bio-emotional harmonization offers a transformative journey that transcends time, allowing individuals to unlock the secrets encoded in their ancestral DNA. By understanding and healing ancestral imprints, we not only liberate ourselves but contribute to the well-being of our ancestors and future generations. This holistic approach to healing connects the dots between science and spirituality, offering a path to self-discovery and emotional liberation.

Golden Ratio.

Experience It With Maya

“We must heal the feminine as the New Age will call upon the Feminine Energy as Leadership and you as the Leader of World of Enlighten, we must heal you first.” I laugh whenever I remember her saying this to me. Oh that she is healing me for sure!

Marcela entered my life like a guardian angel, appearing on a Spring Equinox through World of Enlighten. I felt blessed, wondering how I attracted such a wise soul into my tribe. Since that day, everything changed. My first experience with Marcela's Recoding work was a Shamanic Female Lineage Healing Ceremony during the Autumn Equinox. Then, in October, I formally started Marcela’s Bio-Emotional Decoding process.

Very quickly, I came to understand that I come from an ancestry line of entrepreneurs and business innovators. Something that has been somehow hidden from my plain sight. I came into this world with an innate knowing that I am to change it. I grew up with a deep desire to create my own ventures and always dreamed of running businesses and changing the world. I never understood the source of it all. Neither one of my parents are entrepreneurs. If anything, they never approved of my path. I never really knew my grandparents.

Little did I know that the entrepreneurial spirit courses through my veins. Deep traumas entangled with ancestral business ventures. Across both lineages, my grandfathers, great-grandfather, and preceding generations were highly accomplished businessmen. Both lineages suffered from traumas that caused their downfall (cc Rite of Death). Stories I had never heard of until I started this process. Stories that explained the relentless drive that pushed me to question the status quo, envision new possibilities and fiercely go after them. The realization that my aspirations were not merely whims but echoes of a legacy instilled in me from past generations ignited a transmutative fire within.

In the face of skepticism and disapproval from my direct family, I found solace in the silent encouragement of my entrepreneurial lineage. Funny enough the more I discovered and transmuted, the less skepticism and disapproval seemed to matter and the more it became to dissipate. It was as if the entrepreneurial spirit within me, inherited from generations past, acted as a shield against doubts and criticism.

The stories of risk-taking and resilience, of ventures both triumphant and challenging, resonated with the struggles I faced on my journey transmuting into strengths instead. It became evident that my path was not just a personal pursuit but a continuation of a legacy that transcended familial acknowledgment. I am breaking generational curses and forging a new narrative of success and innovation forever inked in my DNA.

From past business failures to previous self-sabotaging behaviors, poor decision making, toxic habits, emotional trauma, anxiety, chronic pains and more, everything explained itself (and still is) through encoded traumas in my ancestry line. New information unravels everyday. It is just like magic yet encoded in science. Before the very first session, I was asked to draw my family tree. I barely had any information. Fast forward to today, I can probably write books about my ancestors and their stories. The process is a slow drip by drip experience. Between each session, the body is in need of regeneration for at least 21days. Marcela would share some rituals to perform throughout these regenerative phases. Shifts of consciousness would seamlessly happen in between. Lightbulb moments induced by deep subconscious re-programing. Integration processes not without their challenges yet seamless if guidance followed.

Hidden stories would resurface either during the sessions or in between. Mind-blowingly, my parents would confirm the hypothesis each time. My dad who never shared any stories about our ancestors would start “randomly” calling me to tell me all about it. Pandora box fully opened. Information deeply embedded in my DNA came to light, impacting even my diabetes, which we are currently working to cure (I will keep you posted). This tool is incredibly powerful. Significantly shifting my entire perspective on life and magnetizing transformative experiences. I am walking on my highest timeline & as a result effortlessly (so much work behind the scenes!) manifesting the life of my dreams. Breaking generational curses and paving the way for brighter & freer generations to come. Healing on all dimensions. Carrying forward a long lost legacy and crafting a present that honors the entrepreneurial spirit coursing through my veins.

Every 2 ThursdaysMarcela generously guides us through a 20mins recoding meditation leveraging on the energies of the day. Come give it a try! I highly recommend.

In fact funny story - the idea for these Enlightened Meets originated from Marcela a few months back. She had been nurturing this concept for over 20 years, waiting for the right person and platform to bring it to life (that’s some real trust and faith right there!). An online Temple where people could access healing experiences for free, fostering collective vibrations and contributing to the healing of our planet. We attempted to build it initially, but it got tangled in technical complexities and was set aside. Then, on January 9th, a light bulb moment struck - Breakout Rooms on Zoom! The fully formed structure unfolded in my mind, and within three days, we launched our first Enlightened Meets on 11/01/24. Now, these sessions will be a bi-weekly occurrence every Thursday, with Marcela gracing us with her wisdom each time. It's a journey I'm grateful to walk, side by side with her, and an honor to help her bring her cherished idea into the world. Thank you for the trust Marcela. It means the world. Here’s to many more lifetimes awakening humanity together.

I am curious to hear from you. Have you experienced bio-emotional decoding before or any similar modality? Would this be something you would try? Let me know in the comments!

xx Soumaya El Wanjli Senhaji Bhyer

Experience Marcela's transformative decoding processes in our bi-weekly Enlightened Meets. These online sessions are free and offer a unique opportunity to connect with Marcela every 2 Thursdays. Don't miss the next session on Thursday, February 8th—come and experience it for yourself!

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