There's a Big Mystery Around Your Voice

We often tend to look externally for healing. Therapists, crystals, meditation apps. Yet, our most powerful healing tool (besides the breath) is held in our voice.

There's a Big Mystery Around Your Voice
On Air.

Explore Transcending Realms Within.

Every Monday, WE Explore different realms of consciousness to facilitate your self-discovery.

Ps: Check out this week's free online events at the end of this article!

We often tend to look externally for healing. Therapists, crystals, meditation apps. Yet, our most powerful healing tool (besides the breath) is held in our voice. Its power transcends mere communication; it resonates with the very essence of our being, wielding the potential to heal wounds, soothe souls, and awaken dormant truths within us. Here, I will share a little bit about the power of your voice and tell you my own experience with fully reclaiming it.

Throughout history, across cultures and civilizations, the voice has been revered as a conduit for divine expression, a medium through which the intangible finds form. From the chants of ancient shamans to the hymns of mystic poets, humanity has long recognized the transformative power of vocal expression.

At its core, the voice serves as a gateway to the depths of consciousness, a channel through which we navigate the vast expanses of our inner world. Through spoken word, song, or chant, we weave in emotion, thought, and intention, shaping our reality with each uttered syllable. One of the most profound aspects of the voice lies in its ability to resonate with the vibrational frequencies of the universe.

This alignment, when consciously cultivated, has the potential to create a sense of harmony and well-being, fostering a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us. Just as a tuning fork resonates with another in perfect pitch, so too can our voice become an instrument of healing, both for oneself and others.

The question remains, how do we tap into this hidden power?


The answer lies in exploring the vast landscape of vocal expression. From the ancient practice of vocal toning, where sustained humming or chanting specific sounds allows vibrations to resonate within, to the simple act of mindful speaking, where we choose words with care and speak with kindness, possibilities abound.

This journey of exploration begins with simply paying attention to the sound of your own voice. Acknowledge its unique resonance, and begin to experiment with different ways of using it. Notice the subtle shifts in emotions and energy as you explore different tones, volumes, and intentions. My own voice exploration began with Api Ascaso about 2 years ago...

Fire Woman meets Fire Woman and Creates Fireworks

I met Api about 2 years ago. I first saw her at an event, cross-legged, cradling a guitar, and singing with a power that resonated through my very core. There was a magnetic energy about her, an aura of strength and presence that captivated me. It was obvious; I needed to experience whatever medicine she was offering.


For much of my life, I had remained unaware of the profound power that lies within our voices – the seat of our authentic expression, our resonance with the world. Working alongside Api, I began to unravel the layers of my own inner landscape, discovering a connection between my voice and my inner child.

Under Api's guidance, I uncovered and re-ignited repressed joy and wilderness that had long lain dormant within me, stifled by the constraints of societal norms and personal inhibitions. With each vocal exercise, each note sung, I felt the barriers around my heart dissolve, allowing the unfiltered truth of my essence to emerge. Most of our 'voice opening' sessions turned into a profound healing session instead. I would have never imagined the power. I even experienced my 1st past life regression within her realms. But that's for another story.

As I embraced the wildness within, I shed the shackles of fear and doubt that had held me back for so long. I initially naively thought voice opening was about singing but there was just so much more to it. My voice became a conduit for authenticity, a vehicle through which I could speak my truth without reservation. With newfound self-assurance, I started navigating the world with a sense of confidence and conviction that I had never known before. I still remember the very first session during which no note would come out of my voice. Completely muted and supresed. I will happily sing and make weird noises whenever I have the opportunity now. The freedom is unparalleled.


In the sacred space of expression we created through our work together, I encountered a reflection of myself in Api – a fellow Fire Woman whose passion and purpose ignited my own. Together, we created a symphony of sound and sensation, unleashing fireworks of creativity and self-discovery.

In the resonance of our voices, I found liberation, healing, and a profound sense of connection to something greater than myself. With Api's wisdom guiding me, I learned to harness the primal energy of my voice, channeling it into bursts of creative expression that keep illuminating my path ahead. In all areas of my life.

As I continue on my journey, I carry with me the lessons learned from Api and the sacred wisdom of the voice. Each breath I take is a testament and a celebration to the wild child within. Each sound I make is a reminder of the boundless potential that lies dormant within us all. And with every word spoken, every song sung, I contribute to the ever-unfolding symphony of existence, adding my unique voice to the chorus of humanity.

You can also experience the transcendence with Api. Check out her WE profile.

xx Maya

PS: Check out this week's Free Online Events at the end of this article!

Dive Deep & Find Your Flow: A Voice Ritual & Music Experience by Api Ascaso & The Magic Tree Collective

Friday, March 15th. 7.30pm. Exclusive 50% discount for World of Enlighten. Limited Places available.

Join us on Friday, March 15th for a transformative evening of music, ritual, and intention setting. Immerse yourself in the element of WATER with live, improvised music by Magic Tree Collective & Api Ascaso. Channel the energy of the South direction and contribute to a unique album recording. This co-created space is for healing, connecting with your inner self, and exploring the magic of sound. Limited tickets available! At Yoga In the Stars, London.

Here's a little sneak peek into the last one. The Fires of the East.


About Api Ascaso

Api Ascaso is an explorative and vibrant soul whose musical abilities reunite together to create expressive, eclectic and soulful music. Her fascination for world-music, mysticism, human evolution and nature continue influencing her offerings and compositions. Api’s signature is the strength of an incredible versatile raw voice that seems to travel through time and space with an intimate balance between the earthy feminine and universal masculine forces. This, accompanied by the several world-instruments that she presents with delicacy. Api’s musical exploration melts with her high sensitivity and her genuine improvisation skills. Her music is an invitation to self-enquiry and journeying into the unknown.

Find her on World of Enlighten and Instagram. You can also book voice opening sessions with her through her WE profile! Highly recommend.

About the Magic Tree Collective

Dave and Garwyn are the Magic Tree Collective, a platform to share a multitude of creative projects all centred around a core ethos of praising the magic of mother nature through music, art, poetry, meditation, and movement.

We are here to create a vibrant eco system of artists and creators in community through improvisation circles, vortexes🌀, sound healing and painting rituals.

Find them on instagram.


Garwyn is a cellist, artist, energy and sound healer, and somatic bodywork and movement therapist in training. He is originally born in Canada and now based in London, UK. You can find him playing in a variety of performances of all different styles and genres, in sound baths and tea ceremonies, facilitating retreats, doing 1-2-1 healing work, or connecting with nature spirits in the forest.

Find him on World of Enlighten and Instagram.

HŶDRAVOX_ (David Shaw)

A multi-dimensional artist and musician, currently based in London.

With most of my star signs in Aquarius, I enjoy the aquarian role of 'water bearer', seeking new truth and creativity wherever I can - allowing it to flow through me both sonically and visually.

Musically, I enjoy exploring a wide range of genres - frequently performing as a violin/violist, as well as using my voice for medicine music and sound healing activations. I treat the voice as a portal to my inner child, as well to embody both feminine and masculine energies, and to channel cosmic dreams and frequencies.

My approach to creativity is very much rooted in the idea that humans are able to channel divine forces, which encourage and nurture creativity.

HŶDRAVOX's mission is to share magic with the world ; magic that you can see, hear and feel.

Find him on instagram.

One of my favs by Api.

This week's FREE ONLINE Events:

WE PLAYGROUND. Thursday 07.03.24 at 7.30pm UK.

Journey through 3 virtual rooms, each with a unique 20-min experience: Bio-emotional Decoding, Tarot Readings, & Light Language Activation. Interact with 3 expert guides, then join an open discussion. Alice in Wonderland vibes included!

Free Workshop: Build Your Thriving Practice! Wednesday 06.03.24 at 6pm UK.

In this session, 3 lucky holistic guides/businesses will receive live business decodings. These case studies will provide valuable insights into common challenges faced by holistic guides in building successful businesses. By observing real-world examples, you'll see how Business Decoding operates and gain insights into overcoming obstacles on your own journey.

Join The Adventure