Welcome Endings

A Full Moon in Libra is highlighting our relationship sector, as the Libra (ruled by Venus) is all about relationships and represented by the scales which highlights the balance between giving and receiving in our lives. Where are we giving too much? Where are we not giving enough?

Welcome Endings
Libra doing its thing.

Explore Libra Full Moon & Eclipse Season

Navigate seasonal and astrological energies with our guides in WE Explore. These articles aren't tied to specific days, but appear whenever cosmic or earthly events unfold.

Dear beautiful reader,

On Monday 25th of March, we have our first Full Moon of the new astrological year, and it’s happening with a bang!

This month's Full Moon is in Libra and a Lunar Eclipse, marking the beginning of Eclipse season. Remember Full Moon Eclipses amplify the energy of a Full Moon, so you can think of them as Full Moon energy times ten!

Now this Eclipse is referred to as a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse meaning, the moon passes into the lighter outer region of the Earth’s shadow which is called the penumbra. The moon will not be as bright but will still be illuminated.

This Full Moon is One of Endings

The portal that is opening up under this Libra Lunar Eclipse is one of endings. This could be a number of things from relationships, thought patterns, habits, or belief systems that have served you this far but it’s time to release them as they no longer belong in your future. Or is it something that you get a sense of, that it’s in the air but you can’t quite place your finger on what this change is? Perhaps it’s been in the build up for the new astrological year and this lead up has caused endings, truths, realisations that you have needed to gain to  align you on your new path, the one that is coming through.

It’s important to note that this Lunar Eclipse is connected to the Aries Solar Eclipse on the 8th of April. A solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, whereas a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. The events that occur on this eclipse can be a continuation of what began during the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, 2023. The energy of this Lunar Eclipse may also continue until the Solar Eclipse in Libra this year on October 2nd.

Lunar Eclipses are also much more emotionally charged than Solar Eclipses. Because they relate to the Moon, they are more feminine in nature and affect the emotional body to a greater degree. They help us feel our intuition and honour the knowledge we hold. We may not always follow this knowledge, but it’s there, attempting to connect and guide us.

A Full Moon in Libra is highlighting our relationship sector, as the Libra (ruled by Venus) is all about relationships and represented by the scales which highlights the balance between giving and receiving in our lives. Where are we giving too much? Where are we not giving enough? These questions are likely to be on our minds under the Eclipse and at the root of any issues that come up for us.  Are we being truthful and authentic to ourselves? Do we like who we become when we are in certain relationships?

Libra energy does a good job at helping us to focus on the other person and to think about things from their point of view. Libra energy is what we can call in when we want to feel compassionate or to see what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes.

At its core, Libra energy reminds us that everyone we meet is a teacher and really just a reflection of a deeper part of ourselves. We are all one. What we see in others and what we struggle with in others is a powerful lesson for us, too…your triggers or judgements that are coming through are revealing a deeper part of yourself that needs attention and healing or simply loving kindness.

This is not to say we should tolerate bad behaviour or give excuses to stay in toxic situations, but it does allow us to look at things through the eyes of learning and deepening our own connection with the Self. How we treat and speak to others, is often how we speak and treat ourselves…again are you kind to yourself or are you too harsh on yourself? If so, what caused this belief? We all want to strive and do our best, but sometimes our best is simply getting out of bed. So think about this self talk and narrative you have going on and by that awareness you can begin switching the narrative.

If a challenging relationship dynamic comes up under this Libra Eclipse, go deeper in understanding and  ask what this may be trying to show or teach me. Hold up a mirror to the situation and look at what is being reflected back. Ask what lessons can be learned.

Relationships that feel rocky or unstable are likely to be tested under this Eclipse. You may find that dynamics that are no longer serving come up for review or that your thoughts and feelings around relationships may be changing.

Creating partnerships with others is one of the most profound parts of being human. On this journey, we create partnerships with family, friends, and perhaps even with a spouse and children. We have a multitude of different partnerships in life, and they are all powerful teachers, sources of joy, and amazing portals of growth.

It's time to bloom.

Under the Libra Eclipse, think about what you really value. Think about what you value out of your relationships but also life in general and then see if those values are being met or not. Be honest and reflect on whether your actions are moving you closer to those values or away from them.

Overall, this Eclipse is encouraging us to change the way we feel about our relationships by allowing us to recognise what we value and how balanced our flow of giving and receiving is.

While we may not have all the answers under this Eclipse, it will be our task to listen, learn, and keep growing from whatever comes up for us under this magical moon.

Remember that a Lunar Eclipse is an energetic push from the cosmos to take you out of stagnant energies and old patterns. Sometimes this forward motion can feel disruptive to your nervous system and you may resist it initially. There is no going backward in the Lunar Eclipse. If you attempt to cling to energies that no longer serve your evolution, you will only be met with frustration and misalignment.

Acknowledge where forgiveness is needed in your relationships. Notice where you may hold onto resentment from past issues and where healing is required. Relationships require maintenance and repair at times, and this eclipse offers an opportunity for forgiveness and healing. Is there someone you need to forgive or a past event you need to make peace with to allow the relationship to evolve? Perhaps you need to forgive yourself.

Also, as you sit with the light of the Full Moon in Libra, decide which relationships are ready for release and what you need to let them go. When releasing relationships, honour what they taught you and the experiences you shared. 

 To honour the Full Moon Lunar here are a few ideas:

●      Sit in meditation and connect to Selena the Goddess of the Moon, and give gratitude for all the wisdom she provides, the life she gives, and how her cycles help us to grow and co-create our dreams and goals.

●      Journaling whatever comes up for you in a nice quiet space

●       Writing a list of gratitude

●      Make a note of the dreams you are having as they may provide some insights for you

●      Planting intentions of what you wish to bring in over the coming weeks and months

●       A nice soothing bath to relax the body, mind, and soul

●      Light a candle and connect to the fire, watching the flame dance and be open to receiving any guidance or insights

Much love and gratitude to you, in whichever way you choose to honour this Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse…embrace the change.

Assunta xx

Assunta French is a Reiki healer, sound healer, and astrologer passionate about spiritual growth and holistic wellbeing. After experiencing her own awakening, she trained across modalities to help others heal. She has a deep passion for working with the stars and planets for personal expansion and growth. Today she offers Astrology readings to her clients and hosts regular astrology-themed workshops and events.

Find her on World of Enlighten or connect with her through her instagram or website!

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